+971-56-760-6777 info@implantologymasters.com


General Objectives of Academic Specialist and Master of Implant Dentistry Programs

  • 1. Provide live surgical and prosthetic training on patients.
  • 2. To impart the participants the understanding of the diagnostic and treatment modalities necessary to properly treat patients who are candidates for dental implant therapy. The interdisciplinary approach utilizing case based learning methodology will include lectures, demonstrations, interactive seminars, hands on sessions and relevant review of literature emphasizing evidence based clinical approach.
  • 3. To provide an intensive overview of the state-of-the-art in implant dentistry.
  • 4. To aid the participants in the preparation for the implant privileges in the middle east and for the AAID Associate Fellow/Fellow membership examinations.
  • 5. To help the participants develop clear solutions that fit the problems and its inherent conditions encountered in the pratice of implant dentistry, based upon information provided and clearly explicated reasoning.

Academic Specialist in Implant Dentistry

Duration: 1 Year, 2 Semesters (300 Hours)
Semester I - Session 1
Module I (online) – 30 hours

1. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- To help understand the diagnostic and treatment modalities necessary to properly treat patients requiring implant dentistry
- To review principles of vertical treatment planning by creating a decision tree for implant modality selection, preferred choices etc
2. Anatomy and Bone Biology
3. Radiology

Semester I - Session II (60 hours)
Module II

Surgical Session I
- Hands on suturing techniques
- Surgical placement of implants for mainstream cases
- Atraumatic extraction and socket grafting in patients
- Principles of Wisdom teeth extractions and minor oral surgical procedures

Semester I - Session III
Module III

Surgical session II (60 Hours)
- Immediate placement techniques
- Placement of implants in grafted bone

Semester II – Session I (60 hours)
Module IV

Prosthetic session I Impression techniques
Digital work flow Review of prosthetic sequence

Semester II – Session II (online – 30 hours)

To review prosthesis design guidelines for different clinical situations:
- Protocols for Single tooth
- Protocols for quadrant restorations
- Protocols for Removable prosthesis (Overdentures)

Semester II – Session III (onsite - 60 hours)

Insertion of prosthesis
Review of implant complications
Management of short term failures
Case presentations and Graduation

Master of Implant Dentistry

Duration: 2 Years, 4 Semesters (600 Hours)

Semester I – Session 1

Module I
30 Hours

Cadaver dissection – Advanced Surgical implant considerations:
- Immediate placement in infected sockets and GBR

Semester I – Session 2

Module II:
50 Hours

Live surgical session:

- Sinus lift – crestal and lateral
- Ridge split – bone expansion and bone manipulation

Lectures online - 20 hours
Live surgeries - 30 hours

Semester I – Session 3

Module III:
50 Hours

Live surgical session:

- Block grafts
- Khoury Plates

Lectures online – 20 hours
Live surgeries - 30 hours

Semester II – Session 1

Module IV:
60 hours

Graftless solutions

- All on x
- Lectures online – 30 hours demonstrations and lectures
- Live surgeries – 30 hours

Semester II – Session 2

Module V:
55 Hours

Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants
- Lectures online – 25 hours lecture
- Live surgeries – 30 hours

Semester II – Session 3

Module VI:
55 Hours

Implant complications and full mouth rehabilitation

- Lectures online – 25 hours
- Exit exam and defense of thesis – 30 hours